Any imperfections, creases, color shades and irregularities, or non-uniformity in the leather and color are to be regarded as features of quality and authenticity, not defects. With age, the leather may change, as with all natural products.

To keep your bag looking its best, we recommend the use of a high quality, leather polishing or cleaning products. Spot check the product to ensure the color and finish does not rub off. There are a variety of products on the market, and we have not tested them all. We are unable to recommend a particular brand. Gently use a Microfiber cloth, to wipe dirt and dust off the leather.

Avoid excessive and vigorous rubbing.

Avoid exposure to heat and direct light – especially the harsh Australian sun light – that may fade the shade of color.

Leather is permeable, grease and oils will leave a stain, avoid contact with make-up, grease and liquid (including rain).

Our leathers have a number of different finishes and looks, each has its own features and issues and difficulties.

The leathers that have not been sealed , are likely to fade sooner (in direct sunlight), absorb grease and oil marks as well as absorb, are likely to fade sooner (in direct sunlight), absorb grease and oil marks as well as absorb In the case of ‘Oily’ leathers, there may be ‘Color bleeding or migrating’, it is also possible that natural oils and waxes, which have been used for the tanning process, could migrate out of the leather and stain your light colored garments. This is the special character of the leather and is unavoidable. It is recommended, that for the first few wears, clothing should be darker, allowing any excess oils to be rubbed off, without harming your clothing. We cannot be held responsible for such an occurrence.

A few rules, suggestions and recommendations for caring for your Oran Leather and Rugged Hide products:

Rule Number 1: Never expose your Leather bag to a direct sunlight!

While sunlight possesses a few redeeming qualities, such as giving us a steady supply of Vitamin D and disinfecting things, it can also be very harmful to any natural substance exposed to it too much. Sunlight acts as a natural bleaching agent: it dries and cracks leather, causes it to age prematurely, and fades color.

UV rays are known to not only draw moisture out of your leather’s fibers, but also dislocate vital natural oils that cannot be replenished. During the preparation stages of making leather, leather is soaked in various chemicals and solutions to prevent it from decomposing. These preservatives are supposed to keep it alive for a really long time, but if they are depleted prematurely by sunlight or heat, the leather will resume its decomposition. At this point, there’s not much you can do to save your leather.

Rule Number 2: Avoid excess heat and damp.

If leather gets too wet, dry it slowly. Speed drying leather changes its chemical structure, you will end up with stiff crinkle and cracks in the leather. So aim for room temperature drying with gentle air rather than direct heater. And keep it in the shape you want it to end up, as leather will remember the shape it was when wet.

If leather gets too dry: Rub something moist into it. Pick a light leather dressing or cream that is made from reasonably natural ingredients and doesn’t have pigment.

Rule Number 3: Be gentle

If leather gets dirty: Just use a damp cloth. You don’t want to be putting any soaps or foreign substances in there. Use a microfiber cloth and WIPE gently, no excessive rubbing.

Rule Number 4: Minimal

Leather stretches, and will not shrink back. If you start to overfill a wallet, it will never really return to its former taut self. If you stretch a leather bag when wet or very humid, it will stretch even faster. Just learn to carry the right amount. This will save your beautiful Oran Leather or Rugged Hide bag as well as your back, neck and shoulders.

Rule Number 5: Let it breath.

Don’t wrap and keep your Oran Leather or Rugged Hide product in plastic, leather needs to breath. Avoiding mildew is very important. Keep your leather in a well ventilated area or use moisture absorbers in your cupboard or drawer.

Rule Number 6: Pick it up

Don’t put your bag (any of them) on the floor, especially when using public toilets. Hang your bag, place it on your lap, or pull up a chair for it. Your bag will pick up dirt which, is hard to clean and germs, which you then transfer onto every surface and into your home.

We recommend the use of a good quality water and stain repellant when purchasing your Leather Culture bag, and then at regular intervals. Leather Culture will not take responsibility for any kind of damage done as a result of irresponsible treatment of the product.